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Beware of the pitfalls you might encounter while on the internet. Using the internet is relatively simple once you get the hang of it, but there are certain skills that are important to develop in order to navigate the internet effectively, efficiently, and critically. In this course, we are going to look at some of the key drivers of the internet, like big data and user interfaces.
Who is this course for? The course is aimed at learners who are new to working online and who would like to find out how to do so effectively and safely.
What will you learn? By the end of this course you will have an understanding of how the internet operates, collects and shares data. You will know what constitutes a good user interface, be aware of attention seeking strategies used by content providers and appreciate filter bubbles and how they work.
Topics overview: Big data, chatbots, user interfaces, filter bubbles, echo chambers and the attention economy.
How much time you need to invest: Completing the course should take approximately one (1) hour
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for entry to this online course
Course Certificate: A course certificate will be generated on the successful completion of the final quiz
Course Developer: This course is brought to you by the Youth Agency Marketplace (Yoma). Yoma offers a variety of diverse on- and offline opportunities promoting skills development, community engagement and employment. This course has been adapted and modified in accordance with its open licence (see attribution for a full list of adapted open resources).
Course Contact: In case of technical troubleshooting or questions, please reach out to atingi@giz.de
License: CC BY-NC-SA