Enrolment options

In this short interactive series, you will connect and exchange with experienced resource persons on different topics around the aquatic resources sector, emerging technologies, and methods relevant to the Northeast region of India. You will be able to explore the linkages and associations between regional and global research and practices, collaboration, and networking opportunities such as potential proposals, student exchange, publications, joint projects, etc.
Who is this series for?
Interested in fish, wetlands, rivers, aquatic biodiversity of Northeast India? Whether you are a civil society practitioner, a professional, researcher, student, faculty, government employee, or anyone else working on aquatic resources in the Northeast region of India keen to explore perspectives from others working on the topic from or outside the region, engage in discussions, or collaborate -you are in the right place!
The series will have sessions on different topics dealing with protection and sustainable management of aquatic biodiversity. Some of these deal with fish stock assessment and management challenges, fish ecology, community-based conservation, bridging the research-implementation gap, vulnerability assessments, ecological requirements of fish, sustainable wetland management etc. The list is growing as more suggestions come in!
By participating in the series, you will be able to:
- Explore concepts/methods and knowledge gained from experts from other parts of the world
- Identify relevant examples of processes or practices from other regions that can inform your research or practice
- Explore opportunities for networking and collaboration
Course Provider: GIZ- Protection and Sustainable Management of Aquatic Resources in the North Eastern Himalayan Region of India (NERAQ) Project
Course Contact: For any questions about the webinars and the course content, please contact: usha.das@giz.de. In case of technical troubleshooting or questions about the atingi platform, please reach out to the atingi support team via the help-desk on the top right.
Certificate: You can download a certificate of participation after joining a webinar session.
License: CC BY-NC-ND
Publication Date: August 2023