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About this course

In this self-paced course, government officials, policymakers, and other professionals working in or interested in the field of migration will focus on migration and gender. You will start with foundations to understand the key gender terms and definitions. Then, we will explore relevant international instruments and mechanisms that are of particular importance to gender in the context of migration.  Gender-responsiveness and Gender- responsive migration policies and best practices will also be tackled. 

Who is this course for?

Government officials, policymakers, and members of civil society and the private sector working/involved in or interested to learn about the links between migration and gender. 

What will you learn?

Through this course, you will gain a deeper knowledge on migration and gender, the key concepts of gender, and existing international instruments and commitments. Further, you will explore to understand what gender responsiveness is and how it responds to different realities faced by women and men at all stages of migration. Lastly, gender-responsive migration policies and best practices with some examples around the world will be presented.

How much time will you need? It will take you about 60 minutes to complete this course.

Keywords: gender, intersectionality, feminisation of migration, migration cycle, gender-responsiveness

Course certificate: You will earn a certificate once you complete all sessions of the course.

Course Developers: The course was developed by GOPA and commissioned by the GIZ Programm Migration & Diaspora.

Course Contact: Songuel Kayabasi (songuel.kayabasi@giz.de). For technical troubelshooting, please reach out to the atingi helpdesk (atingi@giz.de).

License: CC-BY-NC-ND

Publication Date: Mai 2023

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