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About this course

This module provides you with insights into how tourism is connected with global water security and scarcity. The module dives deeper into water consumption in hotels by outlining direct and indirect water consumption. It shows to what extend water is a cost factor in hotels and how to achieve cost savings through water savings. By introducing the water management cycle, the process towards implementing a successful water management in a hotel is demonstrated. Finally, measures on how to involve the staff and guests in contributing to the aim of saving precious water resources are pointed out. It will take you about 1 hour to complete this course and you will earn an open badge once you complete the course and pass the assessment.

Who is this course for? 
The course is intended for tourism professionals in management positions, and anyone interested in the topic.

What will you learn?

  • You will be able to identify the connection between worldwide water security and tourism
  • You will learn how to examine and manage water consumption in your hotel
  • You will understand how to engage staff and customers in contributing to water saving

How much time do you need to invest? 
It will take you around one (1) hour to complete this course.

Keywords: Sustainability, tourism, management

The platform will automatically generate a certificate of participation once you have finished the course. You can then continue with the assessment. If you pass 80% of the assessment questions, you will automatically receive a digital certificate – an “open badge”! To learn more about open badges, please click here.

Course Developers:  Commissioned and developed by GIZ Sector Project Cooperation with the Private Sector - Component Sustainable Development through Tourism. For developer information compare course imprint.

Course Contact: Should you have questions regarding the course, please reach out to the atingi support team via the helpdesk.

License: CC-BY-SA 4.0

Publication Date:  30.12.2021

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 This course is part of the learning pathway "Implementation of Sustainable Tourism Practices" which further includes the following modules: