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About this course

This self-paced course introduces you to the basics of Mainstreaming for civil society organisations (CSOs). No prior knowledge of Mainstreaming is required to take this course. The course can be useful for any CSO, but some of the content is specifically customised for CSOs in Uganda.

Who is this course for?

This course is for members of civil society organisations who wish to improve their knowledge of Mainstreaming. The topics and the respective examples are customised for the Ugandan context.

What will you learn?

Each of the learning sessions consists of a knowledge-based input followed by a small task where you can apply your learning about Mainstreaming. You will learn about the different Mainstreaming issues (i.e. Gender, Disability, HIV and AIDS, Youth, Environment) as well as the key terms and concepts used in the CSO world when discussing Mainstreaming. Also, practical guidance on how to actually do mainstreaming in the programme/project cycle is shown in detail.

Topic Overview:

The following topics are covered in 7 learning sessions:

·      Mainstreaming in the Programme/Project Cycle

·      Gender Mainstreaming

·      Disability Mainstreaming

·      Mainstreaming HIV and AIDS

·      Mainstreaming Youth

·      Mainstreaming Environmental Justice and Climate Change

How much time you need to invest:

This course is self-paced. Each of the 7 learning sessions will take from 1 to 2 hours to complete.

Course Certificate:

There is no certificate issued upon completion of this course.

Course Developer:

This course was developed by NIRAS-IP Consult GmbH on behalf of the European Union and German government.


This course has been produced with the assistance of the European Union and the German government. The contents of this course are the sole responsibility of NIRAS-IP Consult GmbH and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or the German government. This course contains links to external sites and sources. Responsibility for the content of the external sites linked to this course always lies with their respective publishers. The European Union, the German government, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and NIRAS IP Consult GmbH accept no liability for damage or loss arising directly or indirectly from the use of the links to external sites and sources.

Content License: CC-BY-NC-ND

For technical trouble-shooting, please contact atingi@giz.de.

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