კურსი: Machine Learning on Earth Observation: ML4EO Bootcamp | atingi

We are delighted to welcome you to the Machine Learning on Earth Observation (ML4EO) Bootcamp! Whether beginning or continuing your ML4EO educational journey, we hope you enjoy your experience.

This self-paced course includes 11 modules. There will be a lecture video in each module, together with additional resources, activities, and exercises to help you master the material.

To get started, we suggest you familiarise yourself with the course site, including the Python Dependencies section. Next, we recommend setting up a schedule to learn the material over the next few weeks or months. We also set up a discussion exchange forum that you can use to post questions about course content and to get help from others taking the course.

Upon completing the course, we ask that you take a few minutes to provide us with your feedback. Your evaluation will help us improve future courses.  

Last, we invite you to join our Radiant MLHub LinkedIn community page and Slack channel. It is a great way to keep track of all our activities, including new training datasets, tutorials, and events. We hope you enjoy the journey. 

Welcome once again to this ML4EO course!

Module 1 - Introduction to Earth Observations

Module 2 - Creating Training Datasets: Projections, Tiling, GeoJSON

Module 3 - Introduction to Machine Learning, Part 1

Module 4 - Introduction to Machine Learning, Part 2

Module 5 - STAC Catalog & Radiant MLHub Python Client

Module 6 - A Hands-on Training for Machine Learning in Python

Module 7 - An Introduction to Machine Learning with Digital Earth Africa

Module 8  - Machine Learning Applications in Land Cover Mapping

Module 9 - Crop Detection from Satellite Imagery using Deep Learning

Module 10 - Tropical Cyclone Wind Estimation from Satellite Imagery

Module 11 - Effective Teaching Practices 

Organizers set up a Github repository that contains all materials for the ML4EO Bootcamp, including all the codes to run the notebooks.  

In order to run the exercise notebooks, you will need to have Python >=3.8 installed. You will also need to install some Python dependencies.

If you are running the notebooks using Binder, all dependencies should be included in the host environment.

If you are running the notebooks on your local computer, go to the project root and run:

pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

If you are running the notebooks in Google Colab, you will need to create a new cell in the notebook with the following content:

from pathlib import Path
requirements = Path.cwd().parent.parent / 'binder' / 'requirements.txt' 
!pip install -r $requirements

There is also an
environment.yml file that can be used to create a conda environment.

conda env create -n my-environment -f environment-dev.yml

Windows Users

Some users were experiencing issues when trying to use rasterio.warp functions in a Windows environment. This is likely due to this issue, which was fixed in version 1.2. If you are experiencing issues with rasterio.warp on Windows please verify that you are using rasterio>=1.2.0.

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