Introduction to digital labour platforms

This self-paced course will provide you with foundational knowledge on what digital labour platforms are, how they operate and what enabled their rise. This course is part of a programme of 8 Modules for policymakers and key stakeholders in business and civil society, who will learn smart policy responses in the era of the platform economy and reap the benefits of best practices of the gig economy. The modules of this programme can be taken individually in your order of preference.

Who is this course for?

This course has been designed for policy makers and other key stakeholders in business and civil society including but not limited to technical advisors, legislators, trade unions, employer organisations and social partners involved in the digital labour market. 

What will you learn?

This course will equip you with the knowledge to develop smart policy responses in the era of the platform economy and understand the best practices of the gig economy. The course explores the unique characteristics of digital labour platforms that allowed them to grow to be dominant economic powers and the potential impact this has on workers, consumers and the wider ecosystem. 

Keywords: gig economy, digital labour platforms, cloudwork, digital disruption, Global South, policy, regulation, gig worker, data, algorithms, competition, taxation, agile regulation

How much time do you need to invest? You will need 45 minutes to complete this course.

Course certificate: If you complete this course, you will receive  digital badge and a certificate recognized by GIZ and Smart Africa that you can use to demonstrate your expertise in the field. Completing Modules 1-5 of this programme will earn you a compound badge and recognize your comprehensive knowledge of all key topics of the gig economy.  

Course developer: This course has been developed by common sense - eLearning & training consultants GmbH for GIZ

Course contact:

Content license: CC-BY-SA

Course publication date: March, 2023

Disclaimer: Please note, that at this point, not all courses are available just yet. They will be released one by one throughout the first half of 2023. We will notify you as soon as they become available.